Tina Citron

Tina Citron

— Executive Producer & Principal

Tina Citron

As an Executive Producer and Principal at Sullivan, Tina helps clients to deliver work that is on-strategy, on-time, and on-budget. Since joining Sullivan in 2005, Tina has worked across all verticals and produced work that spans print, digital, video, events, and VR experiences. Tina has worked with clients across industries including Cornell University and Cornell Tech, Duke University and its Fuqua School of Business, Columbia Law School, Yale School of Music, American University, American Express, AXA Insurance, Millennium Management, TD Ameritrade, and Two Sigma.

Prior to joining Sullivan, Tina held branding roles at both FutureBrand and Lippincott. While she joined Sullivan as a strategist, she discovered a love for helping bring ideas to life and making things, so she pivoted into a producer role. Today, she works with both strategists and creatives to help ensure strategies and creative ideas can be brought to life across different channels, audiences, and mediums.

Tina graduated with a BA in both Business and Economics from Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY.

Tina’s “happy place” is on Nantucket and when she can’t be there, she can be found exploring Central Park and trying to get her two boys out of any tree they may have climbed.