/ Tierpoint
Tailoring the message to your audience
Customer personas
Communications plan
Messaging toolkit
Sales playbook
Sales presentation
Internal training
Thought leadership
We’re gonna need some more name tags
Tierpoint, a communications and technology service-provider, had big goals and a newly acquired sales force to match. But onboarding and arming a staff, that had recently quadrupled in size, with the right messaging was no small feat. Especially in a business where making your customer feel good about the purchase is a critical part of the sales process.
Customer personas
Communications plan
Messaging toolkit
Sales playbook
Sales presentation
Internal training
Thought leadership
Some tech companies have their head in the clouds.
Through extensive interviews, and a deep dive into the cloud hosting space, we realized that almost every firm sold their offering through the lens of features and functionality. A no-no in such a highly-commoditized industry. But Tierpoint was different, their strengths lied in their brainpower and collaborative approach.

Those voices in your head? They’re your prospects.
We created detailed user personas for the five distinct audience mindsets the Hosted Solutions sales team would encounter – from prospects who were looking for a true partner to those motivated solely by cost. Then, we prepared talk tracks for almost any conversation they might encounter. After all, just because two people share the same title that doesn’t mean they’re concerned about the same things. This helped the sales force to uncover that person’s unique needs and desires.

Go forth and sell!
These personas, coupled with a communications plan and internal “sales playbook” for use out in the field ensured the sales force properly articulated why Tierpoint was the right partner for their prospects.