Weill Cornell Medicine

Weill Cornell Medicine

Shaping the future of medicine

In the fast-paced world of medicine, providing care is table stakes. To stand out, you need to connect the dots between patients, researchers, and tomorrow’s medical leaders.

Expanding beyond education 

Weill Cornell Medical College was well regarded as an esteemed medical school on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. But the truth was that they were so much more. They needed a brand that encapsulated everything they do: from their comprehensive approach to patient care to their groundbreaking research—and then use that as a launching point for an ambitious fundraising campaign.

Creating a unified brand identity 

With the rebrand came a new name: Weill Cornell Medicine which better encompasses its full spectrum of offerings—patient care, research, and education. The new identity featured a new color palette that introduced vibrant yellow and orange hues that speak to the warmth of the patient experience and the ambition of the research, while keeping Cornell Red at the center to pay homage to its institutional roots. A custom typeface, 1898 Sans is warm and friendly—the notched corners subtly alluding to puzzle pieces that connect across disciplines, partners, and the globe. The descriptor “Care. Discover. Teach.” succinctly communicated the core pillars of their mission.

A springboard to an ambitious capital campaign 

The new brand served as a foundation for an ambitious $1.5 billion capital campaign. Playing off the WCM initials, we reinforced the message of transformation and collaboration by boldly declaring “We’re Changing Medicine.” The campaign’s visual identity aligned with the rebrand and invited donors to participate in advancing the future of medicine. It was so successful that “We’re Changing Medicine” became a familiar mantra that continues to live beyond the campaign. 

Breaking new ground 

The rebrand successfully repositioned Weill Cornell Medicine as a leader in patient care, research, and education—setting it on a solid footing as they expanded beyond Manhattan into Brooklyn and Queens. The comprehensive campaign exceeded its fundraising goals, significantly advancing Weill Cornell Medicine’s initiatives and demonstrating the power of a cohesive brand strategy. 

What we did

  • Brand strategy
  • Case statement
  • Verbal identity
  • Visual identity
  • Website

How it worked


raised in 2.5 years